Anya Bandt, MD

Skin Cancer

Dermatology & Mohs Surgery located in San Rafael, CA
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Skin Cancer services offered in San Rafael, CA

Anya Bandt, MD, FAAD, FACMS is a leading dermatologist who is dedicated to enhancing skin health and beauty at all stages of life.

What is skin cancer?

Skin cancer is a disease that causes skin cells to grow and multiply rapidly. It occurs when DNA becomes damaged, triggering mutations inside the epidermis (the skin’s outermost layer). When diagnosed and addressed early, skin cancer is treatable. Waiting to seek treatment can cause cancer cells to mutate quickly and damage the skin.

With decades of experience, state-of-the-art surgical technology, and specialized training in Mohs surgery, Dr. Bandt can accurately diagnose and effectively treat many types of skin cancer.

Which type of skin cancer is most dangerous?

Melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer, but many other types can invade and damage your epidermis. The three most common types of skin cancer are:

Basal cell carcinoma

Basal cell carcinomas develop in the skin’s basal cells. They’re typically found in sun-exposed areas, such as the face, neck, ears, and scalp. While this is the least invasive type of skin cancer, it can damage your skin.

Most basal cell carcinomas appear as flat pink or red lesions or shiny, pearly bumps.

Squamous cell carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinomas grow in the epidermis’ squamous cells. This type of cancer is more invasive and aggressive than basal cell carcinoma but rarely life-threatening. However, it can travel to other areas and damage multiple layers of tissue.

These lesions appear as flat, scaly sores or wart-like bumps. They also develop in areas exposed to the sun, like the ears, face, neck, and hands.


Melanomas are cancerous moles. Any mole that changes shape, size, or color is cause for concern. Unlike basal and squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma can spread rapidly. It can be life-threatening without early intervention. Sun exposure increases your risk of melanoma, but these abnormal moles can also develop in covered areas.

Am I at risk of skin cancer?

Anybody can get skin cancer, but certain factors can increase your risk, including:

  • Using tanning beds
  • Spending too much time in the sun
  • Having more than 50 moles
  • Having a family history of skin cancer
  • Having fair skin
  • Having red or blonde hair

Having basal or squamous cell carcinoma can also increase your risk of developing melanoma.

I have skin cancer. What are my treatment options?

Depending on your skin cancer type, Dr. Bandt can develop the appropriate treatment plan. Treatments for skin cancer can include:

  • Mohs surgery
  • Curettage and electrodesiccation (electrosurgery)
  • Laser surgery
  • Topical medications
  • Excision
  • Cryosurgery

If you have melanoma that may have spread, Dr. Bandt may refer you to another specialist for additional testing and treatment.

Call the office of Anya Bandt, MD today or schedule an appointment online to learn more about skin cancer.